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A Year in Review

We are so happy to show you a glimpse into the amazing year we had with our youth programming.http://

          Temple Israel Youth Education and Programming

Nurturing Minds, Fostering Community, Inspiring Growth

The Temple Israel Religious School’s mission is to provide a nurturing, multi-faceted and inspiring learning environment for everyone. We offer an engaging education experience that fosters Jewish identity, builds a commitment to Jewish living and values, creates a connection to one another and sparks a concern for the world around us. We meet families where they are and offer flexible options to ensure that every child can build a foundation of Jewish literacy and receives the tools they need to grow into proud, informed, and inquisitive Jews who are full participants in their Jewish communities.

Keshet Program at Temple Israel


What's new this year?

New Year- New Beginnings 

There is nothing like starting a new year – everything is fresh, the energy is high, there is hope and optimism, and anything seems possible. Returning to school has always been my favorite time of the year. We greet returning students, welcome new students, reconnect with colleagues and implement innovative programs and initiatives. There is always a sense of freshness with each academic and a Jewish New Year. Rosh HaShana is an opportunity for reflection and renewal, and a time to create or innovate. We are excited to continue this year with our successful and interactive program, and to offer new unique programs. 

Our program is offered to students in grades K-7 and promotes a love of Jewish learning and a culture of socializing, relationship building, and creating memories. Our goal is to strengthen our student’s Jewish identity, knowledge, and commitment to lead a lifestyle that is deeply rooted in Jewish tradition and practice. We foster a love of Israel and Jewish holidays. 

Our students continue to learn through their Jewish Studies and improve their Hebrew language and prayer skills through experiential learning that includes art, music, movement, cooking, photography, and drama. 

This year, we are changing the program's structure to be subject-based and will have a specialized teacher for each subject matter. In addition, we are implementing age-appropriate Holocaust curriculum in all grades. This summer I participated in a course at Yad VaShem in Jerusalem, Israel learning a unique multi-disciplinary educational philosophy about how to teach the Holocaust sensitively to all ages. Using an interdisciplinary approach to teach elementary grades about the Holocaust- through art, music, literature, theology, and drama – will allow our students to gain a broader understanding of what happened during this period and provide them with the foundation for a more in-depth study of the Holocaust at the high school level.  

Jr. Congregation  

Join us on Shabbat for a fun youth service! Jr. Congregation continues to meet every Shabbat from 10:00am-12:00pm with Natan Fandel, and we invite all RS (Religious School) students in grades K-7 to join him.  

Junior Congregation begins with Shacharit (morning prayers) and is appropriate for all grade levels. Following the break, students are divided into groups, and grades K-4 go with our Madricha, Alyssa Ugent, to enjoy a story time, the Torah portion of the week, prayers, blessings, and socializing time. Grades 5-7 go with Natan to learn the Torah Portion of the week and the Shabbat morning service. Students gain a deep understanding of this service and the skills to lead it. Attendance is highly recommended to help prepare students for their upcoming Bar/Bat Mitzvah and their leading role in the Jewish community. 

Family Kabbalat Shabbat and Shabbat Morning Services  

We integrate Kabbalat Shabbat (Friday night service), Shabbat morning services, and Havdalah into our family programs. During these services, our Religious School students in grades K-7 lead the congregation in prayers, readings, teachings, and songs. These services reflect the skills gained, and the ruach (spirit) of Shabbat and provide a unique way for families to be together in our community. 

This year we are collaborating with the Mishpacha Minyan (a quorum required for Jewish communal worship) and adding more Kabbalat Shabbat services and dinners to our program every month. 

Judaic High 

This year we are launching a new program, Judaic High, for all students in grades 8-12. The program includes social interactions, Jewish learning, Tikun Olam (repair of the world), and volunteering in the greater community. For additional information, please contact Abby Newman-Wallach. 

Keshet Program 

This academic year we are collaborating with the Israeli American Council (IAC) of New England and offering a special program for Israeli children aged 4-8. Keshet provides a fun and engaging way for children to learn about Israeli culture, Jewish traditions, and the Hebrew language, while also fostering a sense of community and belonging. Through our interactive sessions, your child will strengthen their Jewish-Israeli identity and develop a deeper connection to their Jewish heritage. For additional information, please contact our Director of Youth Education and Programming, Abby Newman-Wallach. 

Shishi Israeli 

Shishi Israeli offers an opportunity for Israelis and American Jews to create a shared language while enjoying dinner around the Shabbat table. Shishi Israeli brings together cultures, customs, and people. It is a place where music binds community and enables us to create a family inspired Shabbat experience that is both Jewish and unique, combining time-honored traditions with today's rituals. We are collaborating with the Israeli American Council (IAC) of New England and will offer several Shishi Israeli events for the whole community. 

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784